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Hand Skinner-7191

Rectangular blades

The hand skinner-7191 from LUTZ BLADES made of stainless steel is specially designed for meat processing in the food industry. The blade is available without coating and has a length of 95.30 mm, a width of 22.00 mm and a thickness of 0.70 mm. This blade is used in meat processing to remove excess fat, tendons or skin from pieces of meat. It is sharp and specially designed to make precise cuts to trim and clean the meat. By removing unwanted parts of the meat, the quality can be improved and it contributes to the production of uniform and appealing meat products. This blade is also a rectangular blade. In addition, the blade can be customized to meet the needs of different meat processing plants.

  • Werkstoff Beschichtung Länge Breite Dicke
  • stainless without 95.30 mm 22.00 mm 0.70 mm
Werkstoff: stainless
Beschichtung: without
Länge 95.30 mm
Breite 22.00 mm
Dicke 0.70 mm

Available in all common lengths


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