LUTZ GmbH & Co. KG Piepersberg 20 42653 Solingen Germany
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Pointed blades


Blades for surgery and precision cutting in industry

LUTZ BLADES pointed blades are among the best on the market. Thanks to their high quality, our pointed blades are used in various cutting processes such as surgery or processing plastics or leather.

Product recommendation

Pointed blade-0016 by LUTZ BLADES Learn more

How you benefit

from LUTZ BLADES Pointed blades:
  • Trouble-free cutting into hard and soft materials
  • Minimization of the amount of force required and the sensation of pain, e.g. during puncturing
  • Defined cut length specification
  • Problem-free use in automatic cutting processes
  • Higher productivity through bidirectional cutting

How they are characterized

Pointed blades from LUTZ BLADES:
  • Best materials
  • Defined tip radius
  • Razor blade sharpness on both cutting edges
  • Centered tip
  • Compliance with the tightest tolerances

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Piepersberg 20 42653 Solingen Germany