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Trapezoidal blade-1010 with TiN

Trapezoid blades

The trapezoid blade-1010 from LUTZ BLADES is made of carbon steel. This blade is coated with titanium nitride, a standard hard material characterized by high wear resistance. This hard material, which is usually gold-colored, has a high coefficient of friction of around 0.4 to 0.7 against the reference material steel. The coating ensures safe use of the blade up to a temperature of approx. 300 °C. With a length of 52.00 mm and a width of 18.70 mm, it is used to cut material. The blade is available in three different thicknesses: 0.40 mm, 0.50 mm and 0.65 mm. It also meets customer-specific requirements.

  • Werkstoff Beschichtung Länge Breite Dicke
  • Carbon steel TiN 52.00 mm 18.70 mm 0.65 mm
Werkstoff: Carbon steel
Beschichtung: TiN
Länge 52.00 mm
Breite 18.70 mm
Dicke 0.65 mm

TiN, 0.4 / 0.5


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