LUTZ GmbH & Co. KG Piepersberg 20 42653 Solingen Deutschland
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Interesting facts about LUTZ BLADES technologies

Customized quality

LUTZ BLADES prototyping

Do you need a blade that is tailored to your individual cutting process? Which, even if produced in small quantities, has a near-series quality?

Our development department has the right answer to these questions: prototype production by LUTZ BLADES.

How you benefit

by LUTZ BLADES Rapid Prototyping:
  • Near-series initial samples
  • Maximum flexibility = customized blades
  • Smallest quantities possible
  • Efficient and accelerated product development
  • Development and optimization of the blade before series production

The LUTZ BLADES Rapid Prototyping

is characterized by:
  • Cutting of the blade geometry by state-of-the-art machinery and CNC-based grinding of all radii
  • Automatic measurement and testing of the tightest tolerances in the process
  • Customized heat treatment and coating


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