LUTZ GmbH & Co. KG Piepersberg 20 42653 Solingen Germany
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Tooth blades


Ideal for cutting and perforating

Your product is to be cut in a zigzag; e.g. Riffle Chips®? Do you squeegee longitudinal patterns in doughs; e.g. noodles? Do you need to perforate your product; e.g. tear-off films? Then the tooth blades and tooth knives from LUTZ BLADES are the right product for you.

Product recommendation

Toothed blade-8115 by LUTZ BLADES Learn more

How you benefit

of LUTZ BLADES tooth blades and tooth knives:
  • Large selection of tooth pitches and angles
  • High quality materials
  • Individual advice
  • Adjustment of the blade to your cutting application

How they are characterized

LUTZ BLADES tooth blades and tooth knives from:
  • Suitability for food
  • Wide range of hard coatings to increase service life
  • Pointed teeth to cut smooth or stretchy material
  • Flat teeth for cutting soft materials
  • Round teeth for long service life

Do you have any further questions?

We are pleased if we can be of further assistance to you
Piepersberg 20 42653 Solingen Germany