LUTZ GmbH & Co. KG Piepersberg 20 42653 Solingen Germany
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Mark V-5010

Rectangular blades

The Mark V-5000 from LUTZ BLADES is made of stainless steel and used in the production of man-made fibers. The blade is made of carbide and is optionally available with a TiN coating. With a length of 117.60 mm, a width of 15.60 mm and a thickness of 0.88 mm, it is used to cut material. In addition to its rectangular shape, this blade also meets customer-specific requirements.

  • Material Coating Length Width Thickness
  • Carbide, rust-resistant TiN 117.60 mm 15.60 mm 0.88 mm
Material: Carbide, rust-resistant
Coating: TiN
Length 117.60 mm
Width 15.60 mm
Thickness 0.88 mm

TiN Carbide

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Piepersberg 20 42653 Solingen Germany