LUTZ GmbH & Co. KG Piepersberg 20 42653 Solingen Germany
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Electronics technician with focus on operating technology  (m/f/d)

From 01.08.2024

To strengthen our team, we are looking for an apprentice as an electronics technician with a focus on operating technology (m/f/d) for 01.08.2024.

What awaits you

  • Insight into the entire training company
  • Training mentor and fixed contact person who will accompany and support you comprehensively
  • Regular feedback meetings
  • Varied activities
  • Technically demanding environment
  • Exam preparation courses
  • Attractive training remuneration and special benefits
  • Company pension plan
  • Team events
  • Trainee projects
  • Successful training company with the prospect of being taken on

Your tasks

  • You get an insight into the different areas of our company and learn about the technical interrelationships between them
  • You will learn to install and monitor electrical systems as well as renew them if necessary and reconcile them with their regular plans
  • You learn to maintain operating equipment, power distribution systems and lighting, signaling, control and drive technology systems

Your profile

  • You have at least the middle maturity
  • You are interested in technical correlations and process flows
  • You have manual skills
  • You have good grades in mathematics, physics and technology
  • You are a team player, work carefully and accurately

Your contact person

Julie SchörnerHuman Resources Administrator

Apply now

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    In six steps
    to success

    Application & Acknowledgement of receipt
    You can send us your application by e-mail to the following address one. As soon as we have received your application, we will send you a confirmation of receipt by e-mail.
    Review of your documents
    We will check your documents and usually give you feedback within 14 days. For some apprenticeships we send an invitation to an online assessment. This includes questions and tasks from a wide range of subject areas, including logical thinking, arithmetic skills or spatial imagination.
    Video interview
    In a first meeting we would like to get to know you better. We are especially interested in your personality. What drives you? What are your goals? What expectations do you have of the training and of us trainers? At the same time, you will also have the opportunity to learn more about us and the training.
    Get to know each other in person
    For the personal second interview, we will invite you to visit us so that you can gain a first insight into the company. You get to know your instructors and can ask us questions that are close to your heart. Think about what topics and points you would like to learn more about. You are also welcome to bring your notes.
    Decision & contract conclusion
    If we were able to convince each other, we are happy to offer you a training position with us and welcome you to our team. Together, we'll go over your training contract. After signing the contract, we will register you with the relevant IHK and vocational school.
    Onboarding - welcome to the team!
    The first day of training is something very special, because a new phase of life starts for you. At our Trainee Welcome Day, you will meet other trainees and instructors, gain an insight into the various departments during a tour of the company, and be provided with all the necessary and relevant information about your training. Furthermore, you will be assigned a personal mentor.

    Would you like to become part of our team?

    Then we look forward to receiving your application!

    Send us your cover letter, CV and (school and internship) certificates in PDF format: