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Travelogue Asia

Our international sales managers and technical blade specialists regularly visit our dealers and customers around the world to attend trade fairs together or to carry out technology transfers. This year, we were once again on the road in Asia and traveled to numerous countries and cities.

The trip began in Bangkok, where we exhibited at ProPak Asia together with our Thai partner and presented film and pelletizing blades. We continued on to Tokyo, where we met our Japanese dealers and visited machine manufacturers together, particularly from the meat processing industry. The third leg of our grand tour of Asia took us to China. Here, too, we visited numerous dealers in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in the south of the country. This year’s Asia tour concluded with a visit to the ProPak Indonesia trade fair in Jakarta. A big thank you to all the people we were able to meet and talk to on our trip to Asia.

ProPak Asia Jakarta

ProPak Asia Bangkok

Dealer visit China